The quest for seeking the vault and it's awaiting treasures is stationed on an Eco-hazardous wasteland known as Pandora. Most, if not all, inhabitants of the planet seek for the ultimate dream, to uncover the mystery of the vault's location. The vault is said to open every two hundred years with a key constructed with three vault fragments. So unlike some saying where your given a once in a lifetime opportunity, this literally is.
Starting from the beginning, you have a choice to choose from four mercenaries, Mordecai, Roland, Brick, or Lilith. Mordecai specializes in snipers and revolvers and fights along side a blood thirsty bird known as Bloodwing. Roland is a train soldier that specializes in combat rifles and shotguns who can release a partially shielded turret. Brick is a huge rip "outlaw type" that relies mostly on explosive weaponry and his fists. Lilith is a siren who can phase-walk through separate dimensions, mainly relying on any elemental weapon.
Some guns don't contain any special ability to its making, yet the rest hold one of four elements, incendiary, acid, shock, or explosive. Mentioning earlier about Brick's use of explosive weapons, I mean explosive elements given to the gun, not things like rockets or grenades. Each element can be multiplied up to 4x which increases the element damage and its average appearance in each shot.
Skag Picture
Rakk Picture
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