Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Found Poem: 9/11

Two massive voids, on all four sides, waterfalls descend
Water whips and lashes their polished bronze parapets and smooth-surfaced walls

Cleanly manufactured
Square voids, footprints of the towers, it digs down
All the while that those deep, dark voids express a sense of loss and grief
Reach into your feelings about the grave
A unified sheet of water, a mingling that speaks of the many lives joined by the vast event that was 9/11
The memorial doesn't carry you into a dark place
It manages to acknowledge the inevitability of grief
The memorial offers more than one way to soar
The massive voids digs a space to deposit feelings about that whole wretched day

1 comment:

  1. I like the poem, but what are your thoughts on the memorial itself?
