Anime has portrayed itself as a self sustaining Japanese sensational TV animation. Although it could be seen in multiple more forms, the popular animation became a grand slam favorite rising in the eastern part of the world. The style of animation arose specifically in Japan. Several popular series are Dragon Ball Z and Inuyasha. Not to be fooled by the looks of the show, animation, or "cartoony" feel, anime was intentionally directed towards an adult audience. With a few tweaks and modifications, it can easily be displayed on teen channels. As much violence, blood, and language used in most anime, taking too much from it is basically ripping apart its designated purpose.
A great example of a sensation hit would be Dragon Ball Z. This series of course originated from the minds of people who thought strong language, violence, and blood were perfect to fit due to the story's background and main plot itself. And yes of course it made its way to the screens of out televisions. I personally think they stripped as much from the original without destroying its unique mixture and personality.
I myself am a fan of this fantasy sci-fi action series. The show describes the life story and developments of this one alien of his own race. The shows background forms around Goku's journey in search of seven orbs, also known as the dragon balls. The journey sets off with his companion Bulma. As years past, he still is unaware of his true identity. Not knowing of his intention on the planet he calls Earth, Goku is raised being taught to believe he is a human martial artist who performs the everyday standards of the human life. Thus this sets the stage of his adventure.
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